The logo is made up of a Globe, Olai Chuvadi, Tamil letter "A", both hand in holding gesture, a lamp flame and a portrait of Thiruvalluvar. The fine combination of these shapes convey several symbolic images with their meanings.
The Globe:
Symbolises the international network of Tamil people unions and shows the impact of unity can have on the language development of all countries.
The Hand:
Signifies the self-help nature of Tamil people and support offered by the international Tamil people network. It also exemplifies the fact that the organisation's success rests is in the hands of its members.
The Olai Chuvadi (Palm-leaf Manuscript):
Signifies Tamil Language is one of the most earliest linguistic evidences in written form. It also shows the great intellectual vitality of the Tamil mind and culture's high regard for inherited knowledge.
The Tamil Letter "A":
Represents Tamil Language. It also shows Thiruvalluvar's, "Agara Mudhala Azhutheellam Aadhi Baghawan Mudhatray Ulagu", meaning: As all letters have the letter A for their first, so the world has the eternal God for its first.
The Portrait of Thiruvalluvar:
Is a celebrated Tamil Hindu Saint, who wrote the Thirukkural, a work on ethics in Tamil literature represents the rich knowledge of Tamil Literature.
The Flame of Lights:
Symbolises postiveness, wisdom, knowledge and spirituality awareness.
The Colours:
The rich colourful tamil cultures are depicted by using variety of colours.
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